The Way Out

Have you ever felt like you were in deeper waters than you could handle? Have you ever felt like you were drowning in them and couldn’t find your way back to the surface to catch a single breath?

There is a man in the Bible, a prophet, that you may have heard of. His name is Jonah, and let’s just say…he can relate.

Jonah was running from the will of God for his life. Not because it was too hard or because it would cost him too much, but because he didn’t want to look like a false prophet. God sent him to decree destruction upon Ninevah, but Jonah knew something about God that most people didn’t. Jonah KNEW that God was merciful. As a matter of fact, Jonah knew that God loves mercy and that He would choose it over judgment every single time. He had a strong feeling that he was going to go through all of the trouble of going to Ninevah, pronounce judgement upon them, only to see God show them mercy when they repented.

Anyone else ever wonder how Jonah knew that side of God so well?

How did he know with everything in him that God was merciful unless he had seen God’s mercy time and time again in his own life with his own eyes?

Often times, those who have experienced and received God’s mercy the most are the ones who are least likely to give it. And when we forget all that God has spared us from, we sometimes - most times, really - don’t value who and what He has called us to. That’s when we get into the deep waters and whales of life.

When we don’t value other people’s freedom in Christ, we give up our own.

Jonah teaches us so many amazing life lessons, but one of the best is found in Jonah 2:9. In this scripture, he tells us exactly what to do when we are drowning in waters that we can’t swim in and being held captive by whales we were never called to.

“But as for me, I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that which I have vowed. Salvation and deliverance belong to the Lord!” - Jonah 2:9 (AMPC)

Jonah teaches us in the scripture that the way out…the way to freedom…the way to destiny…the way to fresh air and a brand new opportunity is in your VOICE of GRATITUDE! The Word says that as soon as Jonah began to sing it out, the whale had to spit him out!

I love what Pastor Mark Hankins always says. “There is no such thing as unexpressed thanks!” In other words, gratitude is NEVER silent.

Get loud about the things that you are grateful for.

Remember the times God has shown you great mercy instead of judgment. Make the choice to freely give to others what you’ve so freely received. We all have so much to be thankful for, and we should never forget it and never stop recalling it.

Salvation and deliverance may belong to the Lord, but He gives it freely to those who are grateful! This is YOUR mandate to BREAK FREE from what’s holding you back in this season by releasing your voice of gratitude DAILY toward your merciful and loving God!