Release The Rivers

I’d like to start off this blog with a couple of very important questions for every reader:

1. Are the waters within you living or stagnant?

2. What are you doing with the rivers of living water you’ve been entrusted with?

Let me explain.

The major difference between a pond and a river is the fact that one flows and one doesn’t. When water is stagnant, it possesses no life giving properties, but water that is constantly flowing carries life.

Revelation 22:1 tells us of a river that flows from the throne of God that brings life to everything it touches.

“THEN HE showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb”

Revelation 22:1 AMPC

In John 7:38, Jesus Himself gives a promise to the believer:

“He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall FLOW [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.”

John 7:38 AMPC

The rivers of living water aren’t meant to just be IN you, they’re meant to flow THROUGH you. That means there has to constantly be a flowing in and a flowing out. A constant infilling and a constant releasing. Or else the water grows stagnant and no one would ever want to drink stagnant water. It’s guaranteed to do the opposite of give you life.

The rivers of living water come through constant communication, close relationship, and vital union with the Holy Spirit. We must constantly be being filled with and by Him so that we constantly have what we need to release into the areas and lives of people who are encountering the properties of death.

The properties of death are anything that’s becoming lifeless, decaying, non-producing, no longer growing etc… But you’re meant to carry LIVING waters! Which means they carry live giving components. Whatever lifeless thing you may be dealing with, whatever attack against your life, health, marriage, finances etc… all you have to do is release those living waters from the inside!

Let it flow into every area of your life and in the lives of the people around you. You can release the rivers of living water that you’ve been entrusted to carry into the school system, the government, the nations, your neighborhood, your city, workplace…anywhere that you are or are assigned to pray for, you have the right to release life and light. You do this by praying in the spirit over whatever it is.

For example, maybe it’s your children, you call them by name and then say, “Right now, I release the living water flowing on the inside of me over their lives,” and then begin to pray with and by the Holy Spirit over them. Pray in other tongues and the Holy Spirit will help you pray just the right thing and those waters will get to flowing into every place you release them! Including the lives of your children!

We know that we are called to release them because Jesus sets the example for us in John 4 while speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well.

“But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto (into, for) eternal life.”

John 4:14 AMPC

If your answer to question one was “I’m not sure” or “It doesn’t feel like it,” right now while you’re reading this is Jesus calling you to get those rivers flowing on the inside again. Not just so you can have them, but so you can RELEASE them!

Let’s end this with a brand new dedication to making sure to keep the rivers flowing and being sure that we honor Jesus with the living water He’s entrusted us with.

Let’s RELEASE THE RIVERS everywhere we go!

This has the power to change EVERYTHING!

Heather ArdoinComment