Silencing The Opposition

I am so excited about the times we are living in! Aren’t you?

It is so evident that an awakening is happening in believers around the world. They are awakening to the love of God and to the destiny for which they were born. They are desiring to know Him and make Him known and that’s going to shake and change the world and the church as we know it!

Because of this, I want to bring something to your attention so you never struggle with overcoming in this area ever again.

Every time you make destiny known and take a step toward it, satan will always try to plant someone with a view and voice like Peter’s in your midst. In Mark 8, Jesus began to tell the disciples of the suffering to come. Jesus was getting them prepared for what He must go through in order for them to step into the destiny they were born for. Peter began to reprimand Jesus. He wasn’t comfortable with what Jesus was saying regarding His own destiny. Read that last sentence again. As you step out in faith into your destiny, many will not be comfortable with where you’re heading or what it’s going to take to get there.

Of course, Peter was speaking out of fear, concern, and hurt, but most importantly, he was speaking out of his natural, unrenewed mind. He wasn’t speaking in faith or understanding. The enemy was using Peter’s feelings to speak through him right to Jesus!

When Jesus heard what Peter was saying, He immediately rebuked satan. Not Peter. He rebuked satan because He knew that is who was influencing Peter’s feelings, thoughts, and words. Jesus didn’t give Peter’s words an opportunity to sow doubt into anyone else.

I want you to see through this scripture that this type of person is always close enough to you to have your ear and to influence others around you…concerning you. They, out of ignorance or deception from the enemy, vocalize their case against your decision. They do it from the intentions of being loving and loyal.

However, I want to shout it from a mountain top to remind you that you can NEVER be willing to allow the voice of one close to you to override the voice of the One who created you. Their mind is not set on God's will for YOUR life or His values, plans and purposes. They want you to take the easy road; not the necessary one.

In the spirit and the natural, assignments ALWAYS come from higher to lower. Never the other way around or even side by side (equals). A Private does not tell a General the assignment, an employee does not tell the employer, etc.

If you have understanding of this, you will be aware when the devil tries to make a voice of doubt rise up in your midst in order to stall your destiny and convince others to doubt your destiny too! You must rebuke the devil and keep on moving forward in what God has called you to.

I’m praying that those who read this and feel destiny calling on them to rise up will be encouraged to silence every voice that doesn’t line up with the voice of Jesus.

I give you my word that when you are raised up, every voice of doubt will be silenced just as it was for Jesus.

"And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must [of necessity] suffer many things and be rejected [as the Messiah] by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and must be put to death, and after three days rise [from death to life]. He was stating the matter plainly [not holding anything back]. Then Peter took Him aside and began to reprimand Him. But turning around [with His back to Peter] and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, "Get behind Me, Satan; for your mind is not set on God's will or His values and purposes, but on what pleases man.""

MARK 8:31-33 AMP