Whatever we talk about is what we magnify. Whatever we magnify will increase.

I want you to understand this principle because it’s vital to you for living a life of victory. This is the life that Jesus died to ensure that you would have! (2 Corinthians 2:14)

When we are going through a test or trial, it is the nature of our flesh to talk about the problems. It’s the nature of our flesh to talk about the lack, the sin, the hurt, the pain, the offense, the struggle; to talk about about the sickness. However, I remind you that what you talk about is what you magnify, and what you magnify will continue to increase.

Not talking about the issue is not denying that it exists. It is not denying the reality that you are facing. It is, however, robbing it of its power to grow, to amplify, to control, and it’s power to instill fear.

Our words bring death and life. (Proverbs 18:21) So when we refuse to discuss it or dwell on it, then we withhold the life that it needs to grow.

So, what do we do during those times of trial, trouble, and temptation?

Use your words to give life to what you need to see! Magnify Jesus! Declare His love for you and His faithfulness to you! Declare what God’s Word says! Declare what the Word says about your freedom, about your healing, about your finances, about your children, your marriage, your desires, your hopes, dreams, peace, mind, forgiveness…JUST SAY WHAT GOD SAYS AND NOTHING ELSE!

God’s Word in your mouth does not just have the power to shift your situation, but it has the power to shift your future and bring you into God’s perfect will and align you with your destiny!

Finally, when you do need or have to talk about it, make sure that you talk to God and make sure that you talk to people who will agree with what God says about you and your situation! You are surrounded by people who will feel sorry for you, sympathize with you, and come into agreement with your pain and suffering.

But in battle, you need more than sympathy. You need strategy.

You need faith friends who will deny what the enemy, what your past, and even what your present is saying and agree with the Word about your life!

Remember this: talking about it may make your flesh feel better in the moment, but it does not have the power to change it or fix it, so it won’t be long before your flesh starts demanding comfort again. The cycle continues unless you break it.

I believe in you, and I am speaking victory over every person reading this today!

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