The Trap

It is proven to be true that one of the greatest weapons of the enemy - and certainly one of the greatest opposers to destiny - is the trap of offense.

Christians face the opportunity to be offended almost every day, but it seems that the opportunities come more often and more strategically in seasons of expansion and elevation.

Here are some truths to help you pass and overcome if you’re being tested in offense:

⁃ Offenses are guaranteed to come, but it is up to you whether or not they stay. Brother Hagin used to say that you can’t stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from making a nest in your hair! As a christian, your family just multiplied by a lot, so you will be surrounded with different personalities more than ever before. You can’t stop them from coming, but you can stop them from staying.

⁃ Offense is just a seed of displeasure until it finds growth in agreement! OFFENSE GROWS IN THE ATMOSPHERE OF AGREEMENT AND IT DIES WITHOUT IT.

⁃ Offense cannot grow without agreement, and since it cannot simply expose itself as offense, it often seeks to get agreement through a masterful manipulation maneuver called VENTING. The person carrying the seed of offense, planted by the devil himself, would have the listener believe that the offended person simply needs to “get their grievance off their chest" and everything will be better afterward. However, the enemy (Satan) knows good and well that for someone to listen means someone to agree and that means growth!

⁃ ANY time a venting session is in direct attack and criticism of someone's character, no matter how "private" (your house) or "public" (your social media) the setting, it is GOSSIP AND ACCUSATION, and both are tools only used by the devil.

⁃ If you're carrying a seed of offense today, then uproot it and destroy it with the Word, spend time believing the best and remembering the best about the person and/or people that you are offended with.

⁃ If you've already started the spreading process with ANYONE, repent to God, and go make it right with the person and/or people. It may seem like unnecessary effort right now, but believe me it will save you a lot of pain and hardship in this season.

⁃ You’ve got to remember that it’s not just a relationship on the line, but a promotion and positioning for your destiny.

I’m challenging you in this season to recognize the plan of the enemy through the planting of the seed of offense and lay the ax to the root by choosing love and forgiveness instead. Spend time seeing the best and believing the best about the people who have hurt you or done you wrong in any way. Refuse to fall for the enemy’s trap by CHOOSING to see them by their destiny instead of their history.

“Good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger, And it is his honor and glory to overlook a transgression or an offense [without seeking revenge and harboring resentment].”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19‬:‭11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

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