The Cave

God has really had my heart and attention on Psalm 34 the last couple of weeks, and I believe that it’s a word in season for many of you. I trust that as you read this, you will be reminded of God’s mercy, love, and constant faithfulness to you. To truly understand the beauty of Psalm 34, you have to understand where David was in this time of his life.

David wrote Psalm 34 in the cave of Adullum. The very name of the cave is translated as “their prey.” That kind of gives us an idea of the condition of David’s life leading up to this moment and how he saw the people in it.

David was the son of Jesse. Jesse had a total of 10 children. He had 8 sons, David being the youngest son, and he also had 2 daughters. As we know from the story of Samuel being sent to anoint David as King of Isreal in 1 Samuel 16, David lived a quiet life…a set apart life…and, quite frankly, a life of rejection. Maybe some of you can relate? I know that I certainly can!

In 1 Samuel 16:13, it says that the Spirit of the Lord was upon David from the day that he was anointed as the next king by Samuel. The Lord favored David, and the Spirit of the Lord was upon him and leading him. However, that often meant for David what it has meant for many others who God has anointed and chosen to rise up within a family - loneliness and often being despised because of the anointing that they are called to carry.

David finally meets King Saul and Saul’s son, Jonathan. Jonathan saw the anointing on David’s life and did not despise him for it. Jonathan became the friend that sticks closer than a brother that David had always longed for. But Saul was filled with offense and hatred for David, and as a result, he began having David tracked and hunted. David had to run for his life into enemy territory, which means that he had to leave Jonathan. He was alone…again.

Hiding out in the safety of the dark cave, David’s voice could be heard. The wind did not carry his weeping or fear-filled cries. NO! Instead, it carried sounds of rejoicing, sounds of praise, and sounds of joy! A cave of affliction and darkness became a cave of light and hope!

We have so much to learn from David in Psalm 34.

No matter how dark of a time you are living in…

No matter how alone or hated you may feel…

No matter what enemy wants you dead and your destiny diminished…


David tells us in verse 5 how to get into and stay in a place of praise, no matter where you are or how dark the cave:

“Gaze upon Him, join your life with His, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.”

Psalms 34:5 (TPT)

  • Set your gaze on Jesus, and don’t look away; no matter who or what pulls for your attention!

  • Join your life with His. You were never meant to do this life alone. Jesus wants to share this life with you. He wants to be a part of your every day coming and going, and not just a part, but the leader of your life. Every day in every way. You do this though constant fellowship with Him.

That is exactly what David did!

He didn’t go into that dark cave to cower in fear or to cry it out! He went into that cave to praise and fellowship with God!

We are told what happened as David rejoiced, praised, and prayed:

“The angel of Yahweh stooped down to listen as I prayed, encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape. He will do this for everyone who fears God.”

Psalms 34:7 (TPT)

God sent His own angel to encircle David, empower him ,and show him how to escape!

Can you imagine your praise and fellowship with God in the darkest times of your life causing God to send His own angel to give you divine assistance?! I want you to remember the same thing that David wanted us to be certain of:

What God does for one, He will do for anyone.

That includes you!

Heather Ardoin