Happy New You!

Welcome to a brand new year!

A time when almost everyone looks back on where they’ve leveled up and where they’ve fallen short. A time when new goals are made, resolutions are formed, and statements like, “new year, new me” are posted, shared, quoted, and declared.

I truly do hate to be the bearer of bad news, but can I share a bit of truth with you? It may even be a helpful reminder of something that you already know.

The truth is that if NO ONE changes, then NOTHING changes.

If we take our old habits and old ways of doing things into a new year, then a changed number does not have the power to improve our lives.

There is good news, though!

The good news is that wherever you’ve gotten off course or missed it in this last year/years, you can get on course simply by recognizing, repenting, and surrendering that area of your life to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. There’s no one better to tell you where you need improvement and how to improve than the Holy Spirit.

So it’s okay if you’ve missed it, gotten off track, and gotten into disobedience! EVERY person has done it at some point.

Don’t condemn yourself, and don’t allow others to make you feel shame and condemnation. Beating yourself up produces the same results as doing nothing to change.

It’s very possible that your disobedience has erected barriers keeping you from the fulfillment of God’s plans and promises. It’s possible that your broken fellowship with God has caused you to live the last year outside of His divine favor, but a truly repentant heart will destroy those barriers and restore fellowship with God, your Father, Who loves you unconditionally…immediately!

TODAY is a day of restoration! New year, RESTORED you!

You were created for fellowship with the One who created you, and what is yours has always been and will be once again!

The devil has no say-so regarding this new year filled with promises of restoration, filled with peace and every earthly and spiritual blessing Jesus has provided for you!

Welcome to 2023; your best year yet in the name of Jesus!

“Even now,” says the Lord, “Turn and come to Me with all your heart [in genuine repentance], With fasting and weeping and mourning [until every barrier is removed and the broken fellowship is restored];”

Joel 2:12 AMP

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