Conflict Resolution

Have you ever been dealing with something heavy in life, and just the thought of it causes a churning in the pit of your stomach? And then you’re left with that big knot that just won't go away?

Do you want to get rid of that big knot in your stomach that comes around every time things start to look like they might not end up exactly the way you want/need them to?

If your answer is yes, then my advice to you is simple:


The knot comes from being conflicted on the inside and ALL conflict is birthed out of disagreement. The truth is that Satan is certain about what the Bible says about you, your children, your health, your finances, etc…but he wants to lure you into conflict by making you disagree with what he knows is TRUTH…the Word of God! How crazy is that?!

You’re not even agreeing with the devil because even he agrees with the Word of God!

You’re just disagreeing with God, and that’s where the conflict comes in.

So how can I be conflicted if I refuse to disagree? I can’t be!

Conflict only comes from disagreement! REFUSE!

People say all the time that they hate conflict and confrontation, but the only way to avoid conflict is to CONFRONT every enemy sent by hell against you with the Word of God.

One step out of faith is one step into conflict.


I DON’T LIVE BY WHAT I SEE. I DON’T LIVE BY WHAT I FEEL. I LIVE BY WHAT I BELIEVE, AND I BELIEVE GOD! (Now, say it again like you really mean it!)

“For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?

Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written:

“That You may be justified in Your words, And may overcome when You are judged.”

Romans 3:3-4 (NKJV)