Believers; NOT Beggars

Often times, Jesus will have to draw you away from people who you are familiar with in order for you to receive your miracle.

In Mark chapter 8, the blind man was lead by people who were BEGGING Jesus on his behalf to heal him. That's definitely a sign of true love and compassion, but it won't help you possess your miracle. Jesus immediately separated him from the beggars so that his begging would be replaced by believing.

Please, read that again.

In order for you to receive your miracle, your begging has to be changed into believing. Sometimes, that requires a disconnect from other beggars.

Jesus even told the man to not go back home through the village. Why would He say that?

I believe that it’s because your miracle isn't just received; it must be maintained. You do that by getting around people who have a spirit of faith. People who know how to search out, stand upon, and declare the promises of God with confident expectation!

The truth is that we find comfort in being around people who are facing the same hardships and handling things the wrong way. It doesn’t require any change from us, and it makes us feel as though “this is just the way life is”.

We are drawn to those who are suffering similarly to us.

If you've been begging God to come through in a certain area, take a look at who you're surrounded by. Whose voice is the loudest in your life? Who has the most influence in your life?

Are they believers who, like Abraham, waiver not in unbelief? If your answer is NO, then it doesn't mean that they don't love you. It just means that they can't help you receive your miracle in this season. It is vital that you get around true faith filled BELIEVERS!

I believe that God is sending the right people into your life at just the right time to help you receive your miracle in the name of Jesus. So, be on the lookout!

“Then they came to Bethsaida; and some people brought a blind man to Jesus and begged Him to touch him. Taking the blind man by the hand, He led him out of the village; and after spitting on his eyes and laying His hands on him, He asked him, “Do you see anything?” And he looked up and said, “I see people, but [they look] like trees, walking around.” Then again Jesus laid His hands on his eyes; and the man stared intently and [his sight] was [completely] restored, and he began to see everything clearly. And He sent him to his home, saying, “Do not even enter the village.””

Mark 8:22-26 AMP


Father I surrender my entire life to you; even this part of me that is desperately in need of a miracle. I surrender my will and my relationships to you and I give you permission to take me out of my comfort zone, away from what I’m used to and connect me with those who can help me build my faith and declare and receive your promises in the name of Jesus. I’m no beggar, I’m a believer!