On Target

I don’t know about where you live, but where I live, in South Louisiana, hunting is more than a sport. It’s a way of life.

There are days given off of school for itl. Father’s teach their sons and daughters to hunt as soon as they can hold a gun and point. They rent or buy hunting leases and will spend countless hours hunting anything that can be eaten. And here, in South Louisiana, that’s pretty much anything that moves.

These hunters will spend thousands of dollars to buy the best property, their licensing, clothes, and equipment. One thing that they will always make sure to have is a very good hunting rifle and a scope to match. The reason they do that is because they have every intention on hitting their target. No hunter wants to wait all day to see a deer and then come home empty handed.

A true hunter is smart enough to not go hunting and just start shooting blindly into the woods hoping to hit something. These people pay thousands of dollars for a gun and a scope to make their aim perfect.

As praying Christians, we have a lot to learn from masterful hunters.

Many Christians pray blindly, mumbling off prayers they’ve prayed a thousand times to a God they aren’t sure is listening. They hope to accomplish something, but get discouraged after missing their target time and again.

So, how do we change that? How do we become true power prayers? How do we become true intercessors who know how to do the business of the kingdom in prayer?

First, you must identify the enemy! Here’s a hint: it’s NEVER a person.

Is it sickness, lack, poverty, fear, etc…? If you have identified your true enemy or even the enemy over your city or region, then you’ve identified your target. Now let’s get ready to aim!

Secondly, arm yourself with the word of God that addresses your victory over that enemy. What does the word of God say about sickness, lack, poverty, fear, pride, perversion, lust etc…? You need to understand that the word of God is your spiritual scope and when spoken in faith it NEVER misses the head of your enemy. It always accomplishes what it’s sent out to do!

Here’s the truth: the devil is counting on you not knowing the word.

He’s counting on you being so overwhelmed, frustrated and discouraged that you keep taking hit after hit and not even knowing which direction to fire back in. You were born to be victorious and spirit-lead prayer filled with the word of God ensures that victory 100% of the time!

Purpose in your heart today to address every enemy, every situation, every circumstance, and every assignment in prayer and with revelation knowledge of the word of God.

YOU are a force to be reckoned with.

All of hell knows it.

Do you?

Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

Heather Ardoin1 Comment