Under Pressure

Proverbs 18:14

“A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed? “

When I was a little girl, growing up, I was so thrilled when my mom would let me bust open a can of biscuits by hitting the can on the cabinet until you applied just enough pressure, causing it to make that loud popping noise.

Recently, the Lord reminded me of this when He was showing me what the enemy has been doing in people’s lives. He reminded me that when you apply intense pressure to something, it allows you to get to what’s on the inside. It allows you to get to the good stuff; the stuff that matters and makes that thing valuable.

Just like a can of biscuits, the enemy has been putting pressure in just the right spot, hoping that you’ll eventually blow up, give up, and shut up.

He wants access to what is on the inside! He wants your heart, your destiny, your gifting, your talents…all of the good stuff that makes you valuable!

We cannot let him have it!

Don’t allow the pressure to break you! Instead, let it make you! Let it make your praise a little louder, your worship get a little deeper, your love for Jesus more extravagant, and your forgiveness for others limitless.

You’re going to have to beat him at his own game. In order to do that, you will have to deny and crucify your emotions because they lie!

Daily, you’ll have to spend time praying in the Spirit and meditating on the word. There’s not enough pressure in the world that can penetrate a strong spirit!


“I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). My Spirit is strong because God’s Spirit lives in me! I am not led by my emotions. I am led by the Spirit of God. He gives me constant victory over every form of adversity in the name of Jesus!