POLLUTION: the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.

“Stop Polluting Your Faith.” This is what I heard the Lord say in my time with Him. 

Your God-like-faith is what produces God results. In 1 John 3:21-22, we are told that one of the greatest pollutants to our faith that has the ability to prevent us from receiving all that God has for us is our refusal to stop the self accusation, self blame & self condemnation.

The Bible says that Satan is the accuser of the brethren, but if he can get you to the place where you struggle to forgive yourself, he doesn’t even have to show up to work in your life! Whatever you meditate, focus, or gaze upon is what you become - always remember that!

In other words, if you’re going to stop allowing those haunting thoughts of the mistakes and failures that you have made to overtake your thinking and paralyze your destiny. Then, you’ll have to get your eyes off of YOU!

Yes! You did it. You failed, you sinned, you got it wrong, you missed it, you hurt them, etc…

That may be a fact, but here’s the TRUTH: What you broke, Jesus fixed. What you hurt, He healed! What you got wrong, He made right! Where you failed, He was victorious. He did it all for you and MORE! So repent, receive your forgiveness, and REFUSE to sit in the shame and sorrow of it. Forgive and release yourself from the need to be punished because you got it wrong.

As a mom, I taught my daughters about mercy. They didn’t always get what they deserved when they disobeyed. Thank God that none of us do. Receive the mercy Jesus died to give you, and every single day, purpose to look at Him and what He’s already done perfectly. What He has done is so much bigger/greater than anything that you’ve ever gotten wrong.

Faith-filled prayers are prayed from the heart of bold sons & daughters who have released themselves from guilt, condemnation, and the need to pay a price that was already paid. You don’t have to do it. Jesus did it ALL for you.

Now, go and sin no more. Receive freely from the One who so freely gives. 

“And, beloved, if our consciences (our hearts) do not accuse us [if they do not make us feel guilty and condemn us], we have confidence (complete assurance and boldness) before God, And we receive from Him whatever we ask, because we [watchfully] obey His orders [observe His suggestions and injunctions, follow His plan for us] and [habitually] practice what is pleasing to Him.”

1 John 3:21-22 AMP