Love With No Agenda

During a time of prayer, I heard the Lord say, “It will take an evolution to bring about a revolution”. 

The word evolution is from early 17th century:

from Latin evolutio(n- ) ‘unrolling’, from the verb evolvere (see evolve).

Early senses related to movement, first recorded in describing a ‘wheeling’ maneuver in the realignment of troops or ships. Current senses stem from a notion of ‘opening out’, giving rise to the sense ‘development’. 

So in other words, evolution is a realignment and developing into what was always meant to be!

When we begin to come back to the place where we desire to and begin to love like our Heavenly Father, then we will see a revolution take place! 

I love this definition of what a revolution is:

a progressive motion of a body around an axis so that any line of the body parallel to the axis returns to its initial position while remaining parallel to the axis in transit and usually at a constant distance from it

What’s the Lord saying about this hour that we are living in?

That if we begin to love like Jesus; if we freely give a love with no agenda attached to it; if we can offer people a love that doesn’t change if it’s not accepted or loved back, a love that is patient, kind and long suffering, a love that holds no record of wrongs, a love that NEVER fails…if we can begin to love EVERY person God sends to us with that kind of love, then a revolution will take place.

A revolution that will make Jesus our axis point and reposition our perfect alignment with Him, and making it possible for heaven to invade the earth through His people who are perfectly aligned and closely connected with Him!

True revival is rooted in His true love; a love that has no agenda but to be like Jesus. 

Confession: I thank you Lord that according to Romans 5:5, Your love has been shed abroad in my heart by Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, You give me the ability to love like you love and to love what you love most: people. I don’t just love them when it feels good, but I love them without agenda. According to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, I love myself and others with a love that endures long and is patient and kind; a love that is never envious and never boils over with jealousy. Your love in me causes me to love others with a love that is not boastful or vain, it does not display itself haughtily. It is not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride; it is not rude, unmannerly and never acts unbecomingly. Your love in me never insists on its own rights or its own way, it is not self seeking. It is not touchy, fretful or resentful. It takes NO account of the evil that’s been done to it and it pays no attention to a suffered wrong. It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when truth and right prevail. Your love in me bears up under ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that comes. It is ready to believe the best of every person . Its hopes are fadeless under ALL circumstances and it endures EVERYTHING without weakening. My love for others never fails, never fades, never becomes obsolete and never comes to an end. I love like you Father - completely, unconditionally and with no agenda in the name of Jesus.