The Moments Before Your Miracle

Have you ever needed a miracle? Have you ever needed the Lord to do something on your behalf that no one else - including yourself - could do for you?

I’m almost certain that we have all been in that place. I feel as though we have all been in the place between believing and receiving. The truth is that it is never an easy place to be in. It’s a place of waiting while fighting the good fight of faith. Fighting to stay in faith and not allow our fear, worry, or concern to overwhelm our emotions and override the truth that we know about our Father God.

While we were in prayer one morning, my youngest daughter, Gabbie said that the Lord reminded her that the moments leading up to your miracle are just as important as the miracle itself. As she prayed in the spirit, she was reminded of all that the Israelites went through while waiting on their freedom and promised land.

Can you just imagine that with me?

The Israelites are running for their lives and for their freedom toward the Red Sea. It wasn’t parted. It hadn’t changed. The smell of sea water still filled their nostrils, and yet, they continued to run toward a SEA because they knew that God was more powerful than the problem (Egyptian army) that pursued them. They knew that if they continued to run in the right direction, then God would do whatever He had to in order to get them on the other side. What great faith and trust!

Let’s examine what they did in the days leading up to their miracle:

  1. They obeyed God’s instructions that they received from Moses, the leader appointed by God to take them from a place of bondage into a place of freedom. It’s vital that you spend time listening to the voice of God and the to voice of your God-appointed leaders. Always be quick to obey the instruction that God gives you.

  2. They never stopped running, even when nothing changed in the natural. They did not wait for everything to line up before they headed for the Red Sea. They acted upon their faith with no idea of HOW God was going to make a way. It’s not faith if you have to see it all line up before taking a step. Quitting or stalling out of despair should never be an option.

  3. They relied upon the blood. During those days, they needed the blood of a spotless lamb upon their doorpost, but today, we rely on the blood of Jesus. You can and should daily apply the blood of Jesus over your situations, your homes, your families, your finances, etc…

  4. Moses declared what God said! Moses declared to Pharaoh what God was sending each time, and God fulfilled His Word through Moses’s words. Fill your mouth with the word of God, and know that God will fulfill His Word when you speak it out of your mouth!

I want to encourage you to keep on running in the direction that the Holy Spirit is leading you in no matter what is in front of you. Keep on pleading the blood of Jesus and speaking His life-giving word!

God had a plan for the Red Sea, and He has a plan for whatever is in front of you too!

If you’re not sure of what direction to run in, find your Moses and run with him/her! I’m certain that not all of the Israelites knew the right thing to do, so they followed the one that God sent to lead them. They followed the one who knew. It’s that simple!

The waters will part, the rock will release water, and even birds will feed you if necessary…as long as you don’t quit and return back to captivity!

You’re in the moments leading up to your miracle right now, and I am believing with every person reading this for the manifestation of their miracle. God is faithful to perform that which He has promised!

Romans 4:20-21 (AMP)

“But he did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that God has the power to do what He had promised.”