The Final Word

In Zechariah chapter 3, we read about Zechariah’s vision of Joshua, the high priest at the time. In this vision, Joshua is standing in the presence of God in filthy clothes. He has the angel of the Lord on one side, and satan on the right side of the angel of the Lord. Joshua was there to receive a word from the Lord and also to have a glimpse of the way that God saw him. Satan was there for only one purpose: to stop the Word of The Lord from coming to Joshua and to stop Joshua from seeing himself the way that God saw him. In an effort to accomplish this, Satan began to do what he is best at; he began to accuse Joshua.

The fact that Joshua was in the presence of God in filthy clothes and no turban on his head is evidence that Satan had much to accuse him of. We know this because the angel of the Lord tells the other angels to take his old, filthy clothes and to dress him in fine, new clothes and to place a new turban upon his head. The angel of the Lord then says, “See I have taken away your sins and now I am giving you these fine new clothes.” (Zechariah 3:3 NLT) The angel relates taking off his filthy clothes to removing his sins.

While all of this is a beautiful demonstration of the love and mercy of God, my favorite part of this whole prophecy is how the Lord responds to Satan when he accuses Joshua.

“And the Lord said to Satan, “I, the Lord, reject your accusations, Satan. Yes, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.””

‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Before and after this, you see the angel of the Lord doing the communicating, but when Satan opens his mouth to accuse Joshua, the Lord Himself speaks up!

He boldly rejects Satan’s accusations. However, he doesn’t stop at just rejecting them. He then tells Satan who Joshua is in His eyes and heart. He makes sure that Satan knows and that Joshua knows the way that Joshua is seen in Heaven…as a FIREBRAND! A branch plucked from the fire used to stir the fire in others!

At the very end of this chapter, we see a brief prophecy of the High Priest to come…our Jesus. Now, He is forever our High Priest, and He is constantly making intercession for us. (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25) He is our Mediator and Advocate. (1 John 2:1) And in Christ, He has made us kings and priests! (Revelation 1:5-6)

I just want to encourage you today. Maybe you’re like Joshua; called to priesthood and called to live and abide in the presence of God, but you’re standing there in filthy clothes that represent your sin and shortcomings. Maybe the enemy has a list of accusations against you to try to disqualify you, but the exciting news is that JESUS, our High Priest, is constantly rejecting those accusations, rebuking Satan, and declaring to all of Heaven who you really are! He’s saying the same thing about you today that was said about Joshua all those years ago!

You are not the mistakes you’ve made! You are not the sins you’ve committed. You are not the sum total of your weaknesses! You are not defined by your failures! You are not the hurt, abuse, and trauma that has been done to you!

NO! Instead, I remind you and declare over you today what the Lord declared over Joshua that day! You are a FIREBRAND plucked from the fires of destruction and filled with holy fire; called to stir the fire in the hearts of others!

Satan, the accuser, doesn’t get the last word about you because Jesus has already declared you cleansed, whole, set apart, and brand new in every single way! (2 Corinthians 5:17) He has made you the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:21) That’s His final word about you, and I’m sticking to it! How about you?!

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